Donate to a worthy cause

Donate to a worthy cause

Donation Website

Looking for a worthy cause to send a donation to? If you have found this page, then you are eligible to donate funds to a good cause. Any of the good causes currently listed on our website are donation suggestions that you might like to help. The people and causes on this site need a donation urgently. Please follow the links to the good causes on this site to please donate. Help someone today, you never know who you would like to donate money to until you have reviewed a number of good causes.



Urgent Worthy Cause

Rhiannon Jade – Basildon, UK

Burkitt’s Lymphoma CNS (multiple brain tumours)
Donate to Save Rhiannon Jade's GoFundMe

"Help! I am not ready to die from Burkitt's Lymphoma"

Number one good cause. Lee is desperately trying to save his partner Rhiannon Jade from relapsed Burkitt's Lymphoma in her brain. Please consider for donations as this is literally life and death in the next few weeks. We have battled together for so long and have nothing left to lose as Rhiannon's life is short.

If you would like to help Rhiannon by donating or in any other way then please visit:

Donate money


Donation page


Donation website


Donate to a good cause

You might have landed here as you can relate to a cause, you may have a budget for charitable donations, or you may have been drawn here because of a particular worthy cause. You may be a businessperson, a concerned individual or a celebrity wishing to make a donation. Whoever you are, and whatever the reason; the administrators of this site will have listed the causes here, because they themselves believe that these struggling individuals need help in some way or need money donated.


Worthy donation candidates

Rest assured that our website is dedicated to giving genuine chances to people that may not have any other hope, by putting them in touch with those of you that can ease their pain or suffering by means of a donation. Why not give to a good cause above, every donation is worth it.